“Our Father” … Wait? … What?!

“Our Father” … Wait? … What?!

By Wayne Harmon

One day the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. They knew about prayers,

They had grown up watching the Pharisees praying loudly in the temple and synagogues. They knew all about the God on the fiery mountain whose Name could not be spoken aloud, lest it be profaned. They knew about the King of Heaven who sat upon His throne surrounded by myriads of angels singing His praises for all eternity. They knew the God who could only be worshiped at the Temple, and then only after they had brought an offering, even if all they could afford was a dove or a pigeon, and gave it to the proper authorities at the temple.

Yes, they knew all about prayers. But they didn’t know about prayer.

Jesus told them, “Pray like this.” Then he said two words that shook the foundation of what they thought they knew about God; “Our Father”.

Wait? What? Our FATHER? This is God we’re talking about. You know, the big scary CREATOR AND SUSTAINER OF THE UNIVERSE; the God who killed people and animals who touched his “holy mountain” when He was giving Moses the Law.

And you’re telling us we can call Him Father??!!!



For some those words bring memories of a loving father who made them feel cherished, loved and safe. Daddy was happy to come home to his family. Though he worked hard, he knew it was worthwhile for the people he loved so much. These weren’t just children, they were HIS children. They were a part of him. Having these adoring children greet him at the end of the workday, with arms outstretched and squealing, “Daddy!” meant more to him than any promotion, raise or accolade his professional life might offer.

Sadly, for others, “daddy’s home” brings memories of fear and rejection. These sad, selfish fathers saw their children as an additional burden. To them children didn’t add to life, they sucked life away. When he came home his children didn’t run to him; they hid from him. If they stayed out of his way, maybe they could avoid being yelled at or hit this time.

Even worse, when those people hear that God is Our Father, they really aren’t that thrilled to hear it. They still see “father” as the abusive man who was quick to show his displeasure.

And the really sad part of all this is that is exactly how religion portrays God!

Religion tells us that God is sitting on His Throne, seething with wrath at all the sin in the world, and that sometimes He can’t contain his rage any longer and lashes out at this filthy world with natural disasters, disease, etc.

Religion further says that this angry god can be somewhat appeased with the proper observation of certain rules and rituals. In fact, neglecting these rules and rituals will pretty much guarantee that you will be singled out for punishment.

It’s like the small child who knows she is supposed to be in bed, but she is really thirsty. She tries to sneak into the kitchen for a glass of water. Her father sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper sees her and explodes with rage that she “broke the rules”. He slaps her face when she starts to cry and drags her back to her bedroom.

That is the “father” religion tells us about. That is the “father” Jesus was talking about when He said to the Pharisees in John 8:44, “You are of your father the devil.”

So, take a look at your “Father, who is in Heaven.”

Is He patient, or is he filled with wrath?

Is He gentle and understanding, or does he lash out.

Would you want Him to treat you like you think he is treating others?

For example, if you believe that “god” is punishing homosexuals if they get sick, would you want him to punish you in the same way for your greed, cheating, slander or jealousy?

The list could go on and on, but the question is how do you see God?


Copyright 2014: Wayne Harmon


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