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Psalm 23: Personalized

Psalm 23: Personalized

By Wayne Harmon

Jesus, you are my shepherd. In You I have no needs. I may not get what I desire when I want it, but no needs are left unmet.

You make me stop and rest. You nourish me, and You make it as easy for me as a lamb lying in a meadow of tender young grass.

You lead me to places of refreshment and reflection.  As I drink from quiet pools of fresh, clean water, I see me as you see me. I see You standing with me, loving me and guarding me as a shepherd watching over his sheep.

You restore my life to what You wanted it to be all along. You forgive me of my failures and heal me of my hurts and wounds.

After I am rested, refreshed and restored, You lead me on the well-traveled path that is straight and true. This path leads me into maturity with You. There is no question regarding this path, because You are walking ahead of me. I need only follow You. You do all this not only out of Your love for me, but also for Your own reputation!

Sometimes this path goes through dark places; deep gorges with no way out. I sometimes wonder if I will survive, but I have no need to fear. Misery and injury cannot stop me, because You are with me, walking ahead of me. This path will take me no where You haven’t been first. You walk ahead of me with your staff providing protection and support. When I am attacked, You defend me. When I grow weary, You support me. I cannot fail.

Right when I feel that the journey too much, as I feel overwhelmed and defeated, You prepare a meal for me! You anoint me with oil, marking me as a member of Your royalty! You fill my cup with such abundance that it overflows! Your kindness and favor pursue me!

Now I understand that because of this journey I am no longer a sheep. I am a Son, seated at the table of the King of Kings, and I will live here in Your palace forever!


Copyright 2013 Wayne Harmon