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Rules and Fools

Rules and Fools

By Wayne Harmon

I want to be encouraging and positive in my articles. Sometimes I read or hear a message that I don’t fully agree with, and that’s good for me. I’ve lived long enough to know that God doesn’t call all of us to be the same parts of the Body of Christ. Sometimes parts of a body appear to be working at cross purposes.

For example, when both hands are needed to pick up a large object, they have to move in opposing directions until contact is made. Also, in order to walk, each foot must move at a different time to the other. Together, the body is functioning normally and accomplishing things beyond its parts.

However, there are some messages that are viruses that can sicken or kill the Body of Christ. For example: Why do some people insist that the Blood of Jesus isn’t payment enough for our sins? Is their god so small that he needs their help? Is their god so petty that grace, mercy and forgiveness are foreign to him?

This must be the case, because it seems there is always someone saying that in order to be REALLY saved, I have to keep some rule or other. Do these people own Bibles? Do they read them? Oh, yes, they have verses. They have lots of verses, but they are just cut-and-paste pseudo-theologians who use their concordance software to rearrange those verses to their own liking.

Rules and fools seem to go together. Their motto seems to be, “Don’t confuse me with the facts. My mind is made up.” I’m not writing this for them.

I’m writing this for those who are also fed up with the plethora of cultists who say the Blood of Jesus isn’t enough.

Rules and fools: A match made in Hell.

Copyright 2013 Wayne Harmon