All posts by Wayne Harmon

The Talking Walk

The Talking Walk

By Wayne Harmon

There’s a saying that goes, “Your talk talks, and your walk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks.”

Very true.

I recently had a cardiac related health scare. (It’s interesting. When a middle-aged male goes into an Emergency Room complaining of severe chest pains, they don’t tell him to sit down and fill out paperwork.)

What led me to that point was I was “talking”, but I wasn’t “walking”.

My talk was about living a healthy lifestyle. My walk was not.

Thankfully my problem was caught in time, and I am going to be just fine. But the experience has made me take a careful look at my “walk”.

We Humans are a peculiar bunch. Talking about making needed life changes gives our brains the same chemical reward as actually doing them.

Gyms and fitness centers cash in on this reality every January as people promise that “this year will be different” and sign up to get into better shape physically. After a few weeks they find that the new year is just a repeat of the old one.

You see, what we DO is what we BELIEVE, not what we say.

I can boldly proclaim that I believe that God will provide for my needs. I can even throw in some Bible quotes like Psalm 37:25, “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.”

But when I’m faced with genuine NEED, and I start to fear and to complain, I have just proved that I don’t really believe that God will come through for me.

“Your talk talks, and your walk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks.”

Good to remember.

Copyright 2014: Wayne Harmon